Sunday, 4 January 2015


The first thing I have noticed about our website is that it's pretty colourful but I needed time for this realisation, as I got used to it. Therefore I've decided to change the background on the TOUR page, as it was plain pink before and now it's the same as the rest of the website pages. As BIO page it has a picture included but it helps to keep the whole website in the same style. For this as usually I used the Photoshop CS6 and the extra background was added on the black-white Gen's pic. Then I added more contrast and controlled the saturation level.

As well as editing this background I looked through the website, edited the font everywhere and checked that it's the same on each page, afterwards I added more information on her blog and thought about the Bio. As Phil suggested previously the language must be the same on the website and therefore I must think about the way Gen has to communicate with her potential audience. The Bio is written in more informal way as well as the Blog. However this style it not appropriate in Bio and also in formal post on her blog therefore I must rewrite them. This is the task which I will do to change the website look and then post it in the next blog.

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