This week we need to organise the process of shooting an animatic for our video. Animatic is a preliminary form of a television commercial consisting of a series of drawings with a voice-over, prepared chiefly for test-marketing. This literally means that we need a test-run of our future music video and therefore we have several ways how to do it: storyboard, video or photos.
Our group has chosen a video animatic therefore we need to prepare already a singer, a dancer and props to understand what we’ll need in future, which ideas have to be changed and how in total it looks.
4 types of location:
1.infinity light room
2.the blossom
3.the projections and patterns
4.the lake ( put a filter and make it contemporary)
The main shots will be in a studio and the singer will be dressed in black so that we can pass on to the audience all emotions through singer’s face and tone of voice.
However, one of the shots will be a wide shot of a singer and in the background there will be different patterns which will change and with them her costume will be changing, every «drop» in the sound will be followed by an extra yellow circle on singer’s clothing.
There is a cast list of people whom we want to try in our animatic and understand finally whom we need because our song carries an oriental subtext therefore we are thinking about an asian cast which will perfectly suit the motive of the song.
1.Isabel- singer
2.Ro - dancing
3.Jane -dancing
4.Natasha- dancing( she is very flexible and for our dance we need a dancer who can split in the air, this is in what she’s excellent )
We e-mailed Isabel the lyrics and say her to prepare for the test-shooting next week. She agreed and promised to prepare for it.

Also in the process of filming we will need some instrument players. The will be shots of a person playing a chello and a ksilofon.
We found these instruments in our school and the only problem left is to find students who can play them.
Finally, we e-mailed the Warner Studio regarding the video which we want to shoot and asked for the permission on shooting. Here is the screenshot of our e-mail.