Thursday, 29 May 2014

GIFs and Audience/Fandom

The Graphics Interchange Format (better known by its acronym GIF) is a bitmap image format that was introduced byCompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability.

GIFs usually are made by fans so therefore they are widespread among the Internet. People are attracted bybright
images which give the audience a feeling of live concert.
The action which takes part in the GIF denotest the happiness of the person who was on the concert and tries now to give his emotions to the fandom.

Fandom is a term used to refer to a subculture composed offans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fans typically are interested in even minor details of the object(s) of their fandom and spend a significant portion of their time and energy involved with their interest, often as a part of a social network with particular practices.
A fandom of music group/music genre can grow up centered around but the subject of interest be narrowly defined, focused on something like a group eg. Ramsstein or more widely defined eg. rock industry of music.

Fans live their subculture, they adore their celebrities and every their activity is connected with promoting their stars. They listen to their music, go on concert, take photos, wite blogs about celebrities, follow them.

But despite all negative factors for singers, the activity of their fans is very important for many groups, fans help to promote music, they are involved in marketing cycle and play a role of a PROSUMER. They listen. they watch clips, they buy CDs and go on concerts but also they create GIFs, mash-up, new clips and therefore promote their celebrities.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Rammstein. Die Sonne.

I'm a meloman and this song doesn't represent my taste in music. Moreover, it's the only song of Rammstein which I like to listen but I find it very forceful and trilling. 

The script tells us the story of Snow White and seven dwarfs whom she exploits. She is represented as an evil monster who made dwarfs work for herselfs and supply with gold, which she then sniffs as cocaine.
The video was made by Daniel Gottschalk in 2003. It was realesed online on Youtube and on Rammstein second DVD "Lichtspielhaus". It's an industrial metal genre of song which is in favour of the Rammstein group members.

The idea of the clip was influenced by the Disney cartoon "A Snow White and seven dwarfs" while "Die Sonne" was plaing in the background. This idea attracted lots of young audience who can imagine the connection between child's show and adult harsh music and see in this link a new concept.
In case of editing this is a great masterpiece product because the atmosphere was created through CGI images eg. the mountain which dwarfs overcome. Editing also includes changes in height of a Snow White in comparison to dwarfs to make her huge and evil. She steps forward and her giant appearance makes her horrifying and dreadful. The music is matched with an image therefore every hit with a picker by dwarfs is accompanied by drums to make the audience feel the burden of dwarfs to work in mines.

 It was a high budget prjoect regarding the facts that the song was released through Universal Sudio and Daniel Gottschalk works only with popular and high qualified products.

Rammstein.Die Sonne.

What is a definition of favourite? People preffer to do things which are more pleasing for them eg they watch interestning movies, listen to nice music, they do this for their pleasure therefore they can call these things FAVOURITE.

As I said before in A2 coursework I will focus on creating a Pop Music Video and therefore now I need already prepare a base for this future production.

My favourite music video is made for german rock group Rammstein and their song "Die Sonne".
As a media student I'm a fan of this video because of it's increadible idea of the  cruel Snow White and the way she exploits seven dwarfs. The producer turned over the tale idea and made a masterpiece which attracts more audience who seeks for alternative videos.

Here is an official clip of this song.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Introduction. A reflective exercise.

Hi, I'm Daria Zhukova and I am now writing an A2 syllabus. We are moving from AS thrillers production to A2 Pop Video production which will be my next piece of A-level coursework.

This lesson our class had a reflective exercise in which we created an island which symbolised our jorney over the AS level. It was very helpful and I realised how much pressure I overcame and how much I have learnt.

I this reflective exercise, I symbolised mountains as topics in Media Studies which I covered over the past year and clouds represent problems which i faced during the study process eg. exam preparation for OCR, editing process or wiritng a script. Each slope I named regarding the most difficult topic I learnt over 9 months: Prelim Task, Blogging, Vocabulary, Exam coursework

At the top of the highest montains I placed our final "masterpiece" triller prelim "Charlotte", we spend lots of time on it and we achieved it through putting lots of effort. The success in production of thriller and a high grade in AS Media Studies exam will help us to move on A2 slopes.

Mountains represent endless knowledge which I will cover over my study-life.